Friday, May 16, 2014


So many words I could use to describe the past 276 days. Exciting. Turbulent. Impossible. Fun. Eye-opening. Heart-breaking. Blessed.
I can barely remember the Ethan that moved into 2490 North Hall on August 13th, knowing absolutely no one. They couldn't tell, but watching my parents drive away that afternoon was the loneliest moment of my entire life.
Didn't stay that way, now did it?
Within minutes (literally), I had met people that, unbeknownst to me, would become my closest friends at Mizzou. With them, I would make memories that last a lifetime. I would have new experiences. I would face new struggles. I would bask in new victories.
Starting that day when I moved in, nothing was normal. Everything about my life was different. My friends. My daily routine. My address. My attitude towards the day. My accountability structures. My authority figures. Everything. 
As life on campus became the new normal, the days and weeks seemed to fly by. My biggest regret is not stopping more often to smell the roses. There were so many missed opportunities to go on new adventures, deepen friendships, learn new things. I never fully transitioned from 'survive mode' to 'thrive mode.'
I learned so many things this year- about myself. I learned how arrogant I really am. I learned that all too often, I acted identical to the type of person I looked down upon. I learned that I have a long way to go. In one word, this year was humbling.
But through it all, this year was superlative to all others. I learned more in one school year than I ever have. I met more people than I ever have. I took more chances than I ever have. I failed more than I ever have. I succeeded more than I ever have.

I lived more than I ever have.