Saturday, September 21, 2013

Angst... Is That a Word?

There are SO. Many. Things. to worry about in college. Tests. Projects. Presentations. Having time to eat dinner. Eating too much dinner. Waking up on time. Going to bed too late. Gaining the Freshman 15 (or the Mizzou 22, as Tigers call it). Making friends.

Sometimes, all those worries hit me at once. And lemme tell ya, that's not so fun.
But somehow, everything turns out alright after all these things happen. So, why worry in the first place?

Because it's convenient. 
Worry is a convenient way to get our feelings out in the moment. And it works sometimes- for about 5 minutes, and then I start to worry again.
And usually, worrying about something before it happens doesn't change the event at all. It happens just as if I hadn't worried about it.
So not only are we as Christians commanded NOT to worry (Philippians 4:6-7. Look it up. Good verse.), but worrying often has no impact on your situation at all, except to create more worry.
Getting over the sin of worry is definitely a challenge, but Philippians 4 provides the solution; "through prayer and supplication make your requests known to God."
God has complete and utter control over our circumstances. That fact ALONE should eliminate our inclination to worry about the stresses and concerns of this life.

Maybe I'll try that this week.

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